高屋永遠 / Towa Takaya

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1992 年東京都生まれ。ロンドン大学ゴールドスミスカレッジ卒業。2023 年現在は東京を拠点に活動。流麗な線と神秘的な色彩が特徴的な絵画は、空間、時間、存在についての領域横断的な考察に基づき制作される。作品は現象学的な出逢いを可能にする空間を生成し、このような邂逅を要求する。意味の定位ではなく意味の生成とその否定、そして存在・時間・空間の現出。これが高屋の創り出す作品の経験である。

その探究のために、私は色彩と知覚の実験を繰り返し、平面表現を独自に試行し続けます。- 高屋永遠

Born in 1992. Graduated from the Fine Art department, Goldsmiths, University of London. Currently based in Tokyo.
Her works are characterized by fine, elegant strokes that are accompanied by color palettes that evoke a sense of intimacy. In her works, she explores themes revolving around notions of traversing space, time and the phenomenon of existence.

The reason Takaya’s works function as such is that they create, or themselves are, the space of appearance, which is flat and simultaneously layered in terms of meaning, time and space. In this way, She proposes as paintings the origin of space which enables the phenomenological encounter.
My work is inseparably linked to my interest in the question, "What is existence?".
For me, painting is a way of looking at the elusive infinity that exists in front of me, or at the time of life that echoes that infinity.
It is a medium to preserve my perception before it decays. For me, lifetime is not linear, but always circulates, reverberates, and regenerates. How can I hold the abyss that lies behind existence at bay metaphysically through the experience of colour?
To explore this question, I repeatedly experiment with colour and perception, and continue to experiment with planar expression in my own peculiar way. – Towa Takaya